House Endorses Draft Proclamation of State of Emergency
The House of Peoples’ Representative (HPR) of Ethiopia has today endorsed the draft proclamation of state of emergency declared by the Council of Ministers in Amhara Region.
In its first extraordinary session convened today, the House endorsed the draft proclamation with majority vote.
Government Chief Whip, Tesfaye Beljige, presented the draft proclamation the Council of Ministers passed in its 23rd regular session on August 4, 2023.
Tesfaye elaborated that attacks supported by arms have been carried out in Amhara region and the situation cannot be controlled by regular law enforcement.
He added that the violence has disrupted the regional government from carrying out its duties and underscored the importance of the bill to protect the country and ensure the peace and safety of our people.
Accordingly, the house held in-depth discussion on the proclamation and endorsed it with 12 absentia and 16 against.
Similarly, the house approved the appointment of seven-member State of Emergency Inquiry Board.
Recall the council of ministers passed decision to declare a state of emergency in the Amhara region following the request made by the regional state to the federal government as the situation cannot be controlled through regular law enforcement on August 4, 2023.
Source: Ethiopian News Agency